
Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Prayer for the New Year

In the final hours of this year I’m mixed with bitter sweet emotions as I recall many wonderful successes, setbacks that made us stronger, anniversaries of painful losses, exciting new births, challenges for our continued good health and excitement of the unknown that awaits all of us in the days to come. I pray that our hearts beat and live with sincere gratefulness, that we believe we possess hands that are blessed and prepared for charitable service to others, take pleasure in eyes that are not self-serving but rather selfless, desire thoughts that promote peace, and partial to words that will aid and love each other and above all exalt the Lord’s name always! I ask these things for all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

A toast to the many woes and wows of yesterday! It is through those ups and downs that bring us hopeful and capable of much in the New Year! Salude!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something New

The thought of “something new” can aggravate our nerves, disrupt our secure views, and mess up our monotonous plans. However, “something new” can be embraced with a fresh attitude and unfettered confidence.
Liberate yourself by throwing some tired old ways out the window. Make your “Something new” feel current and fashionable allowing it to show something novel about you! Today, look forward to feeling prickly, unconventionally open-minded, and contemporary with ideas. It’s a great day to be filled with hope and excitement!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Acts of Love of Self and for Others

We may not see results today from the better choices we made in food, the help we offered someone in need or the more active lifestyle we embraced.

Have confidence in knowing we will always reap benefits from acts of love of self and for others. Keep optimism alive in your thoughts, power in your words and goodness in your deeds.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What Will Keep Me For Eternity

The day may come when our good looks might wane, our muscles may go south, our prosperous situation may diminish, and our hard earned money will vanish.

Life is fleeting and time is precious. Do what you can today to enjoy what you have, where you are, and who you are with. All these things you are not necessarily in complete control over nor cannot take with you when you are finally called.

What you can hold sacred, protected and well nurtured is the spirit that lives within you. Spend time guarding and cultivating what will keep you for eternity.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Great Achievements, Best Self and Spiritual Triumph

When we give modestly we cannot expect maximum return and may not move more than just a few paces forward.

When we aim to give our utmost our greatest achievements may come to pass, our best self might be revealed, and our greatest spiritual triumph could be celebrated.

Make your best effort today and great dividends in heart, mind and spirit will surely follow.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I’ve got so much to do! Can I put all aside for you?

I’ve got so much to do! Can I put all aside for you?

It’s important to take time out from life’s monotonous and predictable routine. Turn off the TV and turn up the music, change the menu into an exotic cuisine, light candles in place of bright fixtures, spend time in an unfamiliar setting and make new memories.

Spontaneity or a well planned out outing will keep your relationships fresh, your spirit kindled and neglected hearts will have another chance to grow fonder of each other again.

Observe birthdays, honor anniversaries and remember to recognize simple daily accomplishments and blessings that are often taken for granted. Breathing is a great reason to celebrate life today. Cheers . . . to your special moments.

Mind, Body and Spirit

Optimistic thinking moves us forward, positive actions keep our goals in motion, thoughtful prayer keeps us hopeful and faithful in nurturing a content and blessed spirit. Today take steps to you to care for your mind, develop your body and foster your spirit.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Me? Wrong?

Me? Wrong?

“Rules were made to be broken. If they want me to leave they are going to have to chase me out.” “Of course I will go. I now see that this is not the place for me to conduct my type of business.”

Out of selfishness, anger, retaliation or ignorance we may find ourselves tempted to go against what is honorable, respectable and virtuous. There is a time and place for everything. Pray for the wisdom to know the difference.

Inspired by John 2:13-22

Friday, October 28, 2011

Content Where You Are

Searching for cheerfulness by being impulsive can be fun, make us feel free from a boring routine, and all over renewed. Let yourself be taken with the wind but only touchdown on the things that feel right. Happiness may not be in another horizon, it could be right where you are.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Personal Staying Power

When we stay on track with our plans, stay motivated for the right reasons, allow only the positive fill the nooks and crannies of our minds we allow progress, growth and upturns in our lives to be revealed. Personal staying power comes from your own consistency!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Get Warm, Cozy and Snuggle

Gloomy, sick and rainy days may seem like they ruin the flow of life. Perhaps it is just what was ordered from above. Sometimes we just need to slow down, get warm and cozy and snuggle.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Me? A Caretaker?

Me? A Caretaker?

“Why did you and your mom come in separate cars?” “I won’t get in the car with her anymore, she’s dangerous!” One day a frightening eye opening truth may sear us: “Our parents need our help.”

Our mature family members are living longer and are being diagnosed with deteriorating diseases. Their reflexes are less responsive and multi-tasking is history. Agitation, forgetfulness, and intelligence revert to childlike behavior and innocence. Disturbingly, their independent lifestyle could one day turn to dependent convalescence.

As convalescent costs continue to soar caretaking in the home is now commonplace. Although we are not trained professionals, we can prepare ourselves:

Seek a healthcare professional. Obtain helpful information on what to expect and programs available to aid caretaking families.
Start dialogue early. Planning long term care is vital.

Keep spouses involved and informed. Discussions can be more comfortable when it’s time for change. Especially if there is a possibility that mom and/or dad may be moving in.

Plan for relocation. It may be wise and/or necessary to relocate well before illness has manifested or mobility becomes difficult.
Embrace change early. Making life altering changes when all are well can make the challenged future more comfortable to ease into.

Exercise. Everyone should exercise everyday or at least 3 times a week to strengthen muscles, increase energy, and lower stress.

Prepare a living trust. Adding a trusted family member’s name to property or bank accounts can also ease future obstacles.

Keep family informed. Have parents speak to the family while they are still well giving all the opportunity to know their wishes so that there are no surprises or hurt feelings.

If already living in a caretaker’s role:

Accept help. Learn how to say “yes.” Get away for a few hours or for the weekend. It’s healthy for your mind, body and spirit.

Laugh often. It’s a great natural elixir!

Have patience. Aggression may seem to be aimed toward you. Always remember it’s the illness that’s attacking.

Acknowledge and accept. If mom and dad are visited only on birthdays and holidays then acknowledge and accept that daily help may not arrive.

Don’t keep score. Keeping score won’t change reality.

Love. Love. Love. When your own name irks you, you’ve changed sheets 4 times today, or the food you’ve prepared has been rejected again, step out of the room, breath deep, call on your patience or the neighbor, pray if you need, and say “I love you and I know it’s the illness that makes you this way.”

Use moments of peace to refocus. While they are sleeping take a few moments of peace to sit by their side, regroup and concede to their frailty. Your welled up heart will tell you “you’re doing the right thing.”

If we lived long enough wouldn’t it be our hope that our own children would mimic the compassion, caring, patience and love we once gave and will grant us the same blessing? You are the seed of hope.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A New Day Brings Opportunity

A New Day Brings Opportunity

Improvements in our routine, development of our talents, and a boost in our outlook does not happen with the blessing of a new day. A new day brings opportunity to enhance our practices, broaden our skills set and enrich the landscape of our eyes.
Improvements in our routine, development of our talents, and a boost in our outlook does not happen with the blessing of a new day. A new day brings opportunity to enhance our practices, broaden our skills set and enrich the landscape of our eyes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Self Perseverance Has Rewards

Self Perseverance Has Rewards

There are times we are tempted to blow off our diet and exercise, to give less on a project or relationship, to sleep rather than move or be productive. Stand up to temptation with positive affirmations, a “can do” attitude, and a plan that is uncomplicated so that you’ll keep moving forward. The results of self-perseverance will be beneficial, worthwhile and rewarding.

It's Okay To Take A Break

It's Okay To Take A Break

If you feel like you’re running yourself ragged take a break. You are in charge of your own schedule. It’s okay to not have a filled to capacity calendar. Not being busy doesn’t mean you are not being productive. Decline an outing or meeting once in a while and learn how to be comfortable just do nothing. A refreshed body and spirit will make an imposing world look welcoming, a goal more attainable and a tricky task more doable.

No Limits

No Limits

To know success could be a fluke. Why limit yourself. Be consistent in your goals, persistent in things that matter most, and steady in your uplifted approach. Other will notice your genuineness of heart, the compassion you embody, and will feed off the inspiration you personify.

Feel Good Inside and Out

Feel Good Inside And Out

Our words, attitudes and behavior are confirmation of what we feel inside. Take time to polish your vocabulary, buff out dark outlooks, and dust off conduct that is not noteworthy. Feeling good inside and out is necessary for the success of your plans, dreams and victories!

Let The Best of You Come Out

Let The Best of You Come Out

We all have personal flaws, but why draw attention to them? Bury negativity and catch yourself doing something right. The more you notice what you already do right the more inclined you’ll be to do more of it! It’s in you – let the best of you come to the surface and sparkle! The world could sure use another shining star!

Missteps Make For A Stronger Stride

Missteps Make For A Stronger Stride

Better to not be fixated on a one day food binge, a prolonged break in the exercise routine, or the mental crash that kept you hostage for a time.
Missteps make for a stronger stride, more resilient mental foundation and solid personal conviction.

Opportunity for a "Do Over"

Opportunity for a "Do Over"

Every day we have opportunities for a “do over.” Granted it is difficult to erase harsh words that slithered from our mouths, impossible to immediately cancel abuse of our bodies through bad choices of food or inactivity, or difficult to enjoy peace when we’re overwhelmed by our schedules, BUT IT IS DOABLE! Today, if at first you don’t succeed, try, or try again!

Prepare Ahead, Keep On Track

Prepare Ahead, Keep On Track (food)

When we are sleep deprived, famished or upset we can reach for comfort foods as a quick fix. These things can temporarily satisfy but can also set us back in the long run. If life cannot run like clockwork, then take extra steps to insure you prepare ahead and make the best choices available to keep you on track and motivated for the days, months and years to come! What you succumb to today can affect what you oppose tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Moments of Peace


One day, in the midst of my wild paced life, I hit a wall (not literally of course). I realized I was so disconnected from my uncomplicated past that I needed a drastic change. I made a decision to schedule a very important activity in my day, “simple ME time.”

At dawn I stepped outside my front door. The sun peaked out at the horizon and the brisk spring morning air caused a tranquil mix of tepid warmth and cool morning dew. I closed my eyes, breathed deep and stood still.
I meditated in the quiet until the silence was broken by layers and harmony of sweet chirping birds seeming to wake the world person by person. A spirit then tickled my dull senses. It wasn’t long before a peaceful essence cued me to open my eyes and I began to walk.

I strolled without a hurried feeling in my body. I witnessed sleeping flowers awaken and bloom with the first hints of the morning sun and observed humming birds feed off the nectar of blossoms. I could smell the sweet aroma of honeysuckle shrubs that filled the brisk morning air like perfume. So early and perfect was that time when the darkness from the night harmonized with the first light of day creating a flawless golden dawn.

As if summoned by a magnetic energy my thoughts now turned to my spiritual self. I commenced a heartfelt prayer to my Creator giving thanks as my sleepy spirit awakened to His presence. I felt live pulsations that pushed blood through my veins and vital organs that gave me life. I now felt a soul that had been roused.

I was reminded that I could once again enjoy simplicities and that I had control over the extreme burdens and responsibilities I placed on my life. My spirit now stirred stroked gently at my faith and I knew with clarity the message and simple truth that I sought, “Beneath the foolish tiring tiers of life I created, I was missing the peace of God’s love and blessings.” It was then I really began my walk.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, metal garage doors began to open and families jabbed each other with harsh and hurried first morning conversations as they rushed off to their morning destinations. Other walkers were now moving and noticeably keeping to their side of the street. They passed me without even a glance. The unrivaled earthy tranquility had faded away.

Fighting hard to stay in that intimate place I began to wrestle with a disturbing thought: “Will I return to dreariness, be robbed of peace and consciousness of my blessings and re-join the fast-paced life and harsh disregard for common kindnesses, gratefulness, and thankfulness?

I now ease into my mornings with a walk and moments of peace that continually set the tone for my day. These special moments offer hope, remind me of everyday simplicities, and give my heart what it needs to carry on.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Humbly Relish In Triumph

Obstacles and road blocks are not always signs to encourage us to give up. Sometimes they are there to make us stronger in our resolve to get to the finish line. Set your face in the right direction and your sight on the prize. Be a person of determination, enjoy the race, and humbly relish in your triumph.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month

“I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.” These cold chilling words just might be the single most devastating utterance a woman may one day have to share with her family. What are the possibilities that it may happen to you? About one in eight women in the United States (12%) will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime ( This single staggering statistic should jolt you out of idleness and send you running to have an annual mammogram. Why should you ignore such a threat on your life? Today’s technology and your personal familiarity with your body are your first proactive steps toward early detection.

Early detection allows you to begin treatment while cancer is in its early, hopefully, treatable stage. You know your body best and frequent monthly self examinations are your first home defense. Knowing what is normal may help you detect changes. Knowledge is power. You have the power to be the first responder to your own life’s threat of cancer.

There are many things in life that you have no control over. Bad weather, accidents, and your past are circumstances that you must surrender to. Cancer is not one of them. It’s time you get down to serious business and defend yourself and healthy future against a potentially deadly disease that can destroy your body, spirit and take your life.

Wellness is not something you inherit, it is something you should gladly strive and willingly fight for. There are many ways that you can reduce your stresses and risks against this potentially deadly disease. You can begin your health and wellness journey by aiming for at least 4 hours of exercise a week. Enjoy activities such as walking, jogging, dancing or exercising at your local Curves. You can improve your diet and reduce your weight by limiting fried foods, cook at home low fat nutritious meals using lean meats, and lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep alcohol consumption to a moderate level. Start now and make a proactive plan to improve your current lifestyle. Important changes today can alter or transform the mystery and unpredictability of tomorrow.

There are many organizations and foundations that have programs designed to aid and bring awareness to women during the month of October. Take advantage of the valuable information and programs designed to help you.

For a limited time Curves Monterey Park West offers “join for 0 with proof of current mammogram or make a donation to Breast Cancer Research”. To assist you with your regular monthly exams Liv®Aids are also available for purchase.

One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. It’s time you make your move and improve your odds.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sharing our feelings with others helps us to hear ourselves. Sometimes that's all we need to take it to the next assenting level. Gather positive internal thoughts and then spring them on a friend Be inspired today by your own uplifting words.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



It was summer and I was furthering my health and fitness education by taking on line courses. With limited time and in the midst of a few horrendous heat waves I planned for cool salads, fruits and veggies. It was time again anyway for my inactive and sluggish family to “get the health and wellness talk!” I expected backfire as usual, however, something much more interesting happened.

One afternoon I sat in my study and overheard them sharing tidbits of health information I had been blasting for weeks over the computer speakers. Then shockingly I heard stories of their new exercise activities and my jaw dropped as they discussed ways to increase metabolism and the energy benefits of foods. As if that wasn’t enough to make my head spin that night my girls joined me outside for some exercise. We pushed our way breathlessly through a turbo fire-cardio-kickboxing program that soared our heart rates to 250 bpm (ok perhaps a slight exaggeration). Right beneath a quick undercut and high jump I saw through the sliding glass doors my son enter the garage, then his friend, then another friend, then my daughter’s boyfriend and finally my husband. 1-1/2 hours later I scraped myself off the patio slab of cement where we were finally stretching and I went inside to get a badly needed cup of cold water. It was the strangest sight. One dim light shone in the family room, the TV screen was black, the leather couches were free of bodies, and there were no laptops illuminated. Then the door to the garage opened and I caught a glimpse of what was happening inside. There was a room full of TESTOSERONE and SWEAT. It was the most bizarre thing: All the family, including guests, were EXERCISING!

My youngest daughter, 22, and her boyfriend were now jogging with their West Highland Terriers, Chester and Chloe, because they wanted to lose weight. My oldest daughter, 23, was now walking her dog Marley (the girl dog who was supposed to be a boy–another story for another time) because the plants and grass in the yard had no chance of survival if “Marley-cakes” continued to frolic and romp through them like a crazy horse. My son, now 20, started a strength training program, a regular sleeping regimen, and stopped eating out because he was “tired of being tired” and didn’t want to spend every available minute feeling sluggish and sleepy. The biggest surprise was my husband. He put an exercise program together for our son and while coaching him, he began his own exercise routine. Not only do they all physically look and feel better but they seem happier.

I don’t know how long it will last but I’m enjoying seeing biceps flexing, the fridge full of veggies and fruit, and don’t mind so much (temporarily of course) the sets of dirty tennis shoes strewn about the house!

Friday, September 16, 2011

You Are Visible

We make choices based on our history, influences, preferences, weaknesses and strengths. Take time to come to terms with who you are. Make small changes that will move you foward. Hold on tight to habits that work well and values that are important. Surround yourself with positive people that will lift your spirit. Today you may be someone else's strength and virtuous role model. You are more visible thank you think.

What You Do Matters

You may not realize that what you do, what you say or how you react could have an effect on another. Believe that what you do, speak and behave matters to someone.

Attitude for Tomorrow

You may not realize that the choices you've made today shape your attitude for tomorrow. Life may dish out some whoppers, but it doesn't mean you have to eat them.

It's Worth Your Persistence

If it's good its worth your persistence. Show God your unselfish desire, your grateful heart, and your awe over His grace and mercy! Live today expecting God's blessings in your life.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Happy to Have Someone In My Corner

Each day we have a multitude of opportunities to lift each other in spirit or deflate it. Before you take another breath to reprimand, chastise or criticize find a way to turn a negative speech into a positive, encouraging, and optimistic declaration! Everyone can use someone encouraging in their corner!

Aiming High

We can get caught up on technicalities that may keep us from growing spiritually, reaching our goals, or breaking our plateaus. Keep your eyes on the important sentiments of the heart, life improving aspirations and reachable enriching targets. You’re really living when you’re aiming higher!

A Prosperous Day

Each day we have a multitude of opportunities to take steps that will further us in wellness, education, spirit and charity. Before your day whittles away take time to exercise, eat well, read, pray and give. Fitting in just one affirmative activity can change the way the whole day goes. Have a prosperous day!

A Divine Purpose

Before I am lured by fast food, give into harmful emotional temptations, before I deny my spirit I must consider this: Before the day’s end how will I have fed my valuable body, precious mind and delicate spirit and for what purpose would it have served?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Game Plan: Everyone In The Park On Your Feet

The Game Plan: Everyone In The Park On Their Feet

Hundreds of thousands of parents across the country have begun their new routine with their school age children: BaCk To ScHoOl AnD ThE CoLd NiGhT PrAcTiCe FiElD. Our flushed cheeked children are obediently, after a full day at school and or daycare, playing sports to improve their social skills, get badly needed exercise, and a nice well rounded school resume. Why are we, the parents, sitting on the frosty sidelines wrapped in our blankets, sipping on hot chocolate, alienating ourselves from involvement and promoting couch potato-ism? Shouldn’t we be sending a different message?

We are our child’s primary social life coach, most influential health and fitness role model, and essential educational leader! It’s time we get off the sidelines, ditch our blankets and beach chairs and substitute them with a leader’s outlook, tennis shoes and our own exercise activities that will get us moving to get healthier, stronger socially and life balanced too!
Here are some simple ideas to get us moving instantly!

- Work in a 30 minute strength training workout and/or Zumba class at least 3 times a week at our nearest gym while the children are at practice. Set up a simple schedule with our spouse and/or other parents so that all can have an equal opportunity for some personal de-stress and workout time.

- If we need to stay at the park or nearby:
- Ride a bike or jump rope;
- Volunteer to work in the snack shack;
- Organize an aerobic class right on the lawn;
- Partner with someone to jog with;
- Take laps around the park and wear a pedometer to track
steps and set goals for increasing them each week;
- Play basketball;
- Use empty bleachers for a challenging climb;
- Be an active coach for a team;
- Play catch with a toddler prepping for T-Ball;
- Walk our dogs or borrow someone else’s;
- -Push the baby’s stroller (encourage the toddler
to walk when possible);
- Join an online weight management program like Curves to help stay motivated and assist with easy meal planning and exercise all designed to keep us healthy and fit.

In the beginning exerting energy after a full day of work could seem too much to bear. But as our own children have proven we will build endurance, boost our energy levels, improve our confidence, obtain more will power and increase our metabolism.

The more we are physically and interactively involved in our children’s lives the stronger the health of the family unit. We not only owe it to our children to support their education, extracurricular activities and overall well-being, we owe it to ourselves to keep fit for a long personal healthy life.

Be an MVP and help implement an unbeatable game plan: EvErYoNe In ThE PaRk On YoUr FeeT!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flaunt Your Assets

Over and over again it seems we keep highlighting our flaws and giving credence to our faults.

The great news is that there is an upside to everything! Show off your strengths, put on your strong suit, and flaunt your assets. No will notice any flaws if you don’t put them centerstage.

Today Shapes Our Tomorrow

Disappointment, lack of a plan, or absentmindedness can make us feel incompetent, lazy or negligent. Don’t spend time being hard on yourself. Learn from your mistakes, renew reachable goals and refresh your attention toward the things that matter most. What we experience today shapes our tomorrow!

Your Best Shot

When the going gets tough we are tempted to quit, alter the plan or give it less than our 100%. “Tough” backwards is “hguot.” Who knows what that means, just give it your best shot and scream “hguot” if it helps!

Out My Window

Looking out my window I may not always see what I want.But as I start moving through the weeds and haze there's always something there that reveals the beautiful flowers and a sunny God sent day!

What Perseverence Can Do

Giving in for the sake of the crowd isn’t always the best choice. With regularity stay steady on your diet, walk to your own best tune, and speak from where your finest energetic spirit lives in you. At the party or in your weakest moment your best self will always have a chance to show what perseverance can do!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



It's that time again! Parents are touting their children around town shopping for school clothes, getting haircuts, fitting in the last doctor’s appointments, yah dah yah dah yah dah! Then comes the phone call, “Hi mom, I need your help again with the kids. School starts on Monday.” After a brief awkward silence that only grandma could hear she utters, “Ughhhh, O-k-.a-y?” What’s a grandparent to say, “NO?”

After the phone call grandma turns to grandpa and says, “I love my grandchildren, but I don’t think I can do this again!”

The reality is that today’s busy working parents need help. With that overwhelming reality hosts new stresses that have reached unhealthy heights for our post-retirement age population. Today, more than ever, stress release is crucial to the health and well-being of all ages, but in particular our grandmas, nanas, and abuelitas.

Grandma, and yes grandpa too, are pitching in “BIG TIME” to make our families’ lives work. With all the time spent out of the home they aren’t enjoying their retirement, home, friends, gardens and tinkering in the garage as they had once planned. At this stage of their precious lives multitasking is now more challenging. Running to school, soccer practice and wherever else we may need them is not as easy as it used to be. In a weary moment grandma must sometimes wonder, ”How did I get signed up for this job?”

Parents here are some things that can help ease the stress:
Buy the groceries that will make up the meals and snacks for your children. Grandparents would love to buy for their babies but they can only support themselves.

Allow time from YOUR schedule to prepare hot meals that can be simply heated up. Grandma spent decades at the foot of the stove and sink. Do ya think she’s done?

Childcare should take place in your own home where everything is familiar and convenient, unless of course she insists on staying home. Also, little jelly finger prints and colorful juice spots on the rugs are probably not a part of grandma’s new age decor.

Keep the childcare hours to a minimum. It may be necessary for grandparents to take and/or pick up children from school. However, don’t hesitate to recruit the help of a young responsible teenager or adult to take over. Yes, that would mean you’d have to pay them!

Time is money and grandparents generally don’t get paid. Fill up their gas tank weekly and throw in a car wash “just because.” There was a time before the grandchildren were born that a tank of gas lasted a whole month!
Offer to clean mom and dad’s house and mow the lawn as a “thank you.”
Grandpa might enjoy a trip to a casino now and then. And grandma could sure use a gift membership to her local Curves! Research has proven that exercise can lower stress. What better way to help grandma accomplish that than by participating in an exercise program designed specifically for women. While lowering her stress she’ll also be building muscle which will keep her strong so she can care for those little ones! We all know that when grandma is healthy and happy -- the whole world is happy too! Showing appreciation is a great way to keep a heart soft and willing.

Structure is crucial. Let the children know there is a schedule. Snack time, homework time, and play time. Don’t forget the good old “time out time!”

Children must be taught to respect their grandparents. This is not a time in your parents’ lives to be challenging their blood pressure and testing their delicate aging hearts. This will also keep the last will and testament from being updated weekly.

Have a smile on your face when you come home. Don’t share the frustrations of your day. Rather, boast to them about how much you appreciate their help. Positive conversation encourages positive feelings and responses. Life is too short to be miserable, right?
On your days off, give grandma and grandpa the day off. They need a vacation too!

Once you retire for the evening, and have put the little angels to bed -- count your blessings. When you feel moved you might write them a nice little love note that reads, “When I count my blessings, I count you twice.”

Life is what you make it. Prepare ahead and keep it simple so that every day can be the joy it was meant to be.

Grandmas love their grandchildren! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No Chirping Where There Had Been Song

No Chirping Where There Had Been Song

There was a strange silence at dawn. No chirping where there had been song. The tiny lime green parakeet’s swing gently moved by my presence as if to remind me of what was. Having just lost its mate, did it die of a broken heart?

What simple joy it brought me every day. It provided not money, nor travel, or material goods. Rather, simple connection to one of God’s little creations.

How I treasure what I still have. For people I seek only to love. Wealth only to share. Faith and hope only to see me through my last breath.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Praiseful Sounds

Gripe, gripe, gripe! The advantage is that only we get to hear our annoying selves while the rest of the world tunes us out. Praise, praise, praise! The advantage is that the praisers enjoy a heavenly life while the gripers have another opportunity change. Make a positive contribution to the sounds in the world!

Down The Yellow Brick Road

“They cut me from the team. They’re a bunch of losers.”

“I wish I could stay, but there is something better in store for me.”

Where there is bad news there is a rainbow in the horizon. Be open to changes and take on new challenges. The birth of a new star player on another team is down the yellow brick road!

Inspired by Matthew 17:22-23

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Rewarding Route

“I wish I could change everything NOW!” The steps we take today to improve our health, fitness, jobs, and relationships will have great effect on our tomorrows. Enjoy the walk, march, run and the marathons. The rewards are planted all along the route, not just at the finish line.

Choices That Count

It’s Monday again! How did u do over the weekend? R u sorry that u ate that gazillion carb meal with a slice of pie alamode or have u lost another pound or maintained ur weight? Tighter waistline – looser waistline? U do the math! Make ur next meal one that shapes ur figure & good health. Make choices that count!

A Precious Gem

Treat your mind, body and spirit like precious stones. Surround yourself with people who are diamonds in the rough so that your mind can be polished to a gleam. Pamper your body with valuable natural and colorful foods that will promote good health. Provide your spirit time and a place to be nurtured so that your soul will sparkle even in the dark. You are a precious gem!

Stepping It Up

A sedentary lifestyle will only breed a sluggish unhealthy body & a lethargic excuse filled attitude. Take steps physically toward an active & healthy lifestyle & gear up mentally for a bouncy & vigorous outlook. Your body will love you & the people in your life will too! Be your best & an inspiration.

Labor of Love

The beauty of your most tender labor is in your hands. Realize the gifts you possess and use them to help another heal, prosper, and connect in love.

No Monday Blues

It’s Monday again! How did u do over the weekend? Did you over indulge with rest, food, alcohol or vegging out? Keep a regular sleeping schedule, stay active, don’t vary too much on food and keep alcholic spirits to a minimum. Mondays don’t have to be blue!

No Time Like The Present

When u hit a fitness plateau, need ideas for healthier foods, insight into r body changing, complex medications, challenging jobs, help under the hood of a car, or just plain ol setbacks u can enlist the help of circuit, food & life coaches, medical & business professionals & friends to help u succeed. Get information & help early rather than wait until u feel like giving up! There is no time like the present!

I Can

Gone is the old me, alas the NEW ME IS HERE! Turning your back on old attitudes and bad habits allows new doors to open and advancements to take place. Today is a new day! You can do anything you set your mind to!

The Upside

Weight loss – overweight. Happy - sad. Inspired – lifeless. Workout – coach potato. Goal oriented – indifferent. There is upside 2 everything. Choosing an advantageous alternative today will always yield the most on ur time, mood & outlook. Wait – that’s not all! Exciting inspiring moments will present themselves & make you want more, more, more! Have an “awe”some day!

March To The Beat Of Your Own Drum

The successful and driven are often left out, talked about and envied in their own circles. Don’t let the cynical behavior of others affect your goals or stop you from singing a happy song. You know what’s good for your health, body and heart. March to the beat of your own drum. The song in your heart will carry u through to the last harmonic note!

The Song In My Heart

Our thoughts, plans and behavior should not be harmful to our spiritual well being or our physical health. Be honest with yourself about who you want to be, the body you want to carry you through life, and the spirit that will guide you. Before you speak a negative word, before you mess up your diet, and before you put one glute on the couch stop and change your course. “Living positive is the song in my heart!”

Reach For The Stars

To break a plateau, accomplish set goals, or to reach for higher aspirations aim higher than mediocrity. A mediocre walk through life will never move you beyond where you live now. Reach for higher a metabolism , greater achievements, and while you’re at it why not reach for the stars!

Take Life By The Ponytail

Time spent trying to improve your outlook, attitude, and inner spirit is one of the greatest rewards to ourselves and those around us. Take life by the ponytail and give it a good yang when it needs it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

You Little Optimist You!

“What a life I have! I am so blessed!” Shout out positive quotes even when you don’t feel like it. The more you speak in the positive the more you will move away from negative feelings & destructive behavior. “R u kidding, I can walk away from that donut!” “I will exercise 5 times this week & I'll feel great!” “No cookies for me. Pass me the veggies please they make me fuzzy all over!” You can be what you proclaim! Have a great day you little optimist YOU!

A Running Start

Where there’s a setback in your eating, exercise or mental game plan there’s a rainbow in the horizon. No reason to beat yourself up over a little hurdle. Be open to changes and take on new challenges with open arms. A few steps back gives you a running start toward moving forward again.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's All Good

Surrounding yourself with positive people will make your spirit stronger. If you need to make a change do it! The gossip will be inevitable. The upside is -They’ve got nothing but GOOD to say about you!

My Personal Well Being

Years, days and moments stream past us without a second thought about our personal well being. Take time out each day to exercise your precious body, feed your mind healthy thoughts, lead your heart and hands to connect with others, and educate yourself so that your choices will strengthen you. You are worth the time and effort!



September is around the corner! Parents are touting their children around town shopping for school clothes, getting haircuts, fitting in the last doctor’s appointments, yah dah yah dah yah dah! Then, comes the phone call to mom and dad, “Hi Mom and Dad, I need your help with the kids again. School starts on Monday.” After a brief deadening silence, mom utters, “Ok.” What’s a grandparent to say, “NO?”

After the phone call grandma turns to grandpa and says, “I love my grandchildren, but I don’t think I can do all this again!”

The reality is that working parents today need help. The truth is that grandma and grandpa aren’t enjoying their retirement, home, visiting with friends, spending time in their gardens and tinkering in the garage as much as they could be. The bigger reality is that they raised you and they must wonder sometimes,” how did I get signed up for this job?”

So parents here are some things that can help ease the stress:

Buy the groceries that will make up the meals and snacks for your children. Grandparents are on a fixed income and shouldn’t be supporting two homes.

Allow time from YOUR schedule to prepare hot meals ahead of time that can simply be heated up. Grandma spent decades at the foot of the stove and sink. Do ya think she’s done?

Childcare should take place in your own home where everything is familiar and convenient. Little jelly finger prints and colorful juice spots on the rugs shouldn’t be in anyone’s house but yours.

Keep the childcare hours to a minimum. It may be necessary for grandparents to pick up children from school. However, don’t hesitate to recruit the help of a young responsible teenager or adult to take over. Yes, that would mean you’d have to pay them!

Time is money and grandparents generally don’t get paid. Fill up their gas tank weekly and throw in a car wash just because. After all they wouldn’t have to drive if you were home.

Offer to pay the cable bill, clean mom and dad’s house and mow the lawn as a “thank you.” Drive grandpa to a casino or take mom to have her nails done. Feeling appreciated is always a great way to keep a soft heart – soft and willing.

Structure is crucial. Let the children know there is a schedule. Snack time, homework time, play time. Don’t forget the good old “time out time!”

Children must be taught to respect their grandparents. Spend time teaching your children respectful manners. This is not a time in your parents’ lives to be challenging their blood pressure and testing their delicate aging hearts. This will also keep the last will and testament from being updated weekly.

Have a smile on your face when you come home. Don’t share the frustrations of your day. Rather, boast to them about how much you appreciate their help. Positive conversation encourages positive feelings and responses. Life is too short to be miserable, yes?

On your days off, give grandma and grandpa the day off. They need a vacation too!

Once you retire for the evening, and have put the little angels to bed, count your blessings. Now and then write them a nice note and maybe leave them a piece of their favorite candy. One piece is not going to send their blood sugar through the roof!

Life is what you make it. We only have each other today. Tomorrow is not promised. Makes yours happy and worthwhile!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wholesome Results

To enjoy a healthier body, stronger mind and vivacious spirit attention must be paid and time must be invested in you. Acquiring good habits brings wholesome results.

A Healthy Peace

A peaceful disposition and good health go hand in hand. Take time out for yourself everyday to clear your mind, lighten your load, feed your body and soul, and exercise the limbs that carry you through life. Enjoying a healthy peace within you is serenity at its best.

Joy, Comfort and You

Joy and comfort comes from a special spiritual place within you. Have strong faith in who you are and in what you believe. Develop a deep trust in God so that He can lead you. Cultivate an endless well of assurance so that even the unknown will be an exciting adventure and worthwhile journey.

Special People Bring Joy

On May 26, 2011 got a little taste of Oprah XM Radio!–For 25 years in TV the nation was taken by Oprah’s interest in troubled situations, the way she so humanly revealed the personal side of a celebrity and the poignant words that she left resonating in ears of her listeners. As she closed the show she gave “glory to God.” Special people do bring joy to others. Make your mark in the world. You are special too!

Play Like A Winner

Setbacks and letdowns are par for life’s course. Tee off each morning with your best drive. Wow your troubles with an incredible chip out of the sand. And stunt dead ends with a putt that would make Tiger smirk. At the end of the day you can boast win or lose, you gave it your all and you played like a winner!

Health & Fitness: The Driver's Seat

Excuses, anger, and laziness stops progress. Don’t put the brakes on making changes to improve your health and fitness. There’s a thrilling new you just around the bend. Decide to rediscover your curves, make fitness a priority, and take pleasure in a gleaming outlook! You are sitting in the driver’s seat. Enjoy the ride!

My Masterpiece

Excuses, anger, and laziness stops progress. Make artful changes in the drab parts of your life. Your life is a canvas that can be colored up!. “Optimism,” “endorphin promoting activity,” and “healthy food choices” paint a beautiful picture. Go on – create your greatest masterpiece – YOU!

Health & Fitness: Plan For Change

To build a healthy body and mind there must be a development of resilient will and good choices. Start with a simple plan for change. Take small steps each day toward your goal. Each time you succeed a stronger inner confidence will build. Expect setbacks but don’t allow them to discourage you. Knowing what to expect will alleviate many fears and will allow self-assurance to increase. You can do anything you set your mind to! Make today count.

Love For "Self"

The time is never right to start a healthier eating program. Our excuses are ridiculous when we are avoiding exercise. But love for “self” is golden and never wrong. Practice forgiveness for past mistakes, reach deeper than the surface and superficial words and be consistently positive in decisions and actions. The next time you look in the mirror only the face of someone who loves his or herself will be reflected. Enjoy your makeover!

Signs Are Everywhere

“Give me a sign! Anything!” Self doubt is an emotion easy to give in to. Self confidence is an incredible emotion exciting to attain! Reach beyond normal expectations. Believe you can do more than yesterday. Manage your time so that you have more opportunities to do meaningful, edifying & rewarding things. Signs are everywhere. Start in your heart and follow its aspirations. The journey will delight you!

Language Of Our Hearts

Our timing can differ. Our points of view can cause fireworks or an inferno. But love from our hearts speak the same language, “congeniality plus”. Keep an open heart for learning, healing and growing. Practice forgiveness, reach out when no one else will, and be consistently positive in your actions. When your name is spoken, only the face of “love” will come to mind. Love translates through all languages.

A Whirlwind Of Love

Get connected to people who need to know they matter. Unite yourself to causes that need others with good character, inspiring drive and a divine compassion to help. Fuse your outer thoughts with your inner spiritual beliefs so that love will have the proper means to flourish wherever it touches down. You are a whirlwind of love.

Make It An Outstanding Day

You are guided through your life by the attitudes you keep. Remain humble and grateful for the things that you have, thankful for the blessing of each new day, and positive in your faith and personal actions that show who you are. Life is what you make it. Make it an outstanding day!

Health & Fitness: A Better You

Plan a cheerful menu of your favorite healthier foods and exercise regimen that lifts your spirits. Get connected to people who speak your same language “change”. Listen to your body it speaks loudly when it’s hurting and when it’s happy. With each nutritional meal and step you take to stay moving keeps you moving forward. Smile. Today you are evolving into a better you!

Witness Fleeting Moments

There's so many wonderful fleeting moments to witness as we watch our children and grandchildren grow and guide them into maturity. The key is to slow down life just enough to enjoy them!

Change Today for Tomorrow

Try, try and try again! Are you tired of no changes? Greet your usual day today with “out of the ordinary” thoughts, plans and goals that are anything but routine. Turn the same repetitive tasks, meal planning, exercise activities and conversations into eye opening and heart-warming experiences. Small changes made today can b wonderful life transformations tomorrow. Have an ExTrAoRDiNaRy DaY!

Treat Yourself Well

We’ve all heard the old adage, “We are what we eat.” Provide healthy nourishing food for a strong body. Surround yourself with positive people for an uplifted attitude. Feed your spirit for a happy soul. You are improving your health, getting fit, and freshening your outlook when you treat yourself well! Today - take care of YOU!

Optimistic Work In Progress

The days you face disappointments and bouts of low self esteem don’t have to be viewed as failures. You have the opportunity to turn a moment of difficulty or weakness into new fired determination! Making positive attitude adjustments throughout your day can move you closer to an accomplishment and boost your sense of well being. “I may trip, stumble or hesitate but I won’t give up! I am an optimistic work in progress.”

More Today Than Yesterday

We all have patience that can lose its tolerance for others. Our patience can even lose its staying power for ourselves and the ambitions we strive for. We are human and error, but can be more. Plan, pray and practice. Expect your day to be filled with fortitude and vigor! With a conscious effort you can be more today than yesterday!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Health & Fitness: R-E-A-D-Y ACTION!

Actions speak louder than words. Make your goals & dreams a reality. I want to lose weight, “hold the cheese please.” I want a better job, “I’ve enrolled in school.” I don’t want to be sick anymore, “I exercise daily and I’m feeling better everyday!” You are the director of your life! “R-e-a-d-y, “ACTION!”

Make Your Reality

Make your goals and dreams a reality. Put them on paper as a reminder. Speak of your aspirations daily. Take baby steps everyday so that your ambitions will come to life. Before you know it, making your reality will become part of your natural being. You are amazing!

When Others Can't See

Give your best as you meet people face to face. Give even more when others can’t see you. Your reward is the relief on one’s face, the smile where there was sadness, the healing after the hurt, & the beholden wonder of an unknown person’s beautiful act of kindness.

When You Think You Can't

Do your best as you meet your challenges face to face. Give even more when you think you can’t. Your reward is the relief in your heart, the smile where there was sadness, the healing after the hurt, & the beholden wonder of what you can accomplish.

A Positive Work In Progress

Be hopeful rather than drowning in despair, speak of blessings rather than complaining, exercise to promote healing instead of feeding physical & emotional sickness, be a” doer” instead of throwing up your hands. You were born for greatness. Show the world you are a positive work in progress.

God Knows What I Need

Embracing change, using your gifts, patience in the face of disappointment and hope when all seems dismal are all part of faith. God knows what you need before you do. Have faith in His plan for you! LiVe LiKe YoU BeLiEvE!

Health & Fitness: Brighten Your Attitude

Are your life’s aspirations and health and fitness goals hitting an uninteresting blah block wall? Examine your true colors. If you lean toward grey and black you might be stopping mid-track or quitting altogether. It’s time to work on the other end of the color spectrum.

Brighten your attitude with colorful thoughts, change your routine and try new vibrant colorful foods that will make your soul happy. Your life and body are ongoing extraordinary masterpieces in the making. You can change their direction and shape any day of the week. Make a change today!

Health & Fitness: :You Are Worth Your Own Best Effort

We are challenged to let go of self-induced harmful behavior. We don’t have to slap our wrists and give up our goals every time we indulge in a high fat meal or skip out on exercise. The challenge is choose to “now and then” eat a smaller portion of bad stuff and when you’ve gotten away from “regular” exercise jump right back into your routine as soon as possible. The long ranged plan is for you to succeed at being a healthier you! You are worth your own best effort!

Brighter Atdtitude Equals Change

If life’s aspirations & health & fitness goals r hitting a blah block wall examine ur true colors. If ur feeling grey & black u might be in danger of quitting. Brightening ur attitude w positive & inspiring thoughts, try a different daily routine & explore w new vibrant colored foods that will make ur soul happy. You can change the direction of ur life & the shape of ur body any day of the week. Make a change today!

H & F: Win The Race

Does it really take another person to point out your destructive decisions when it comes to your health and wellbeing? Foolishness, lack of education and haste are unproductive actions and excuses.

You are worth the time and effort it takes to make better choices and decisions when it comes to eating, exercise and rest. Time and effort pays off in the short and long run. Set yourself up to win the race!

Set Yourself Up To Win

Does it really take another person to point out the unpleasant obvious? Foolishness, lack of education and haste are unproductive actions and excuses.

You are worth the time and effort it takes to make better choices and decisions. Time and effort pays off in the short and long run. Set yourself up to win!

Set Yourself Up To Win

Does it really take another person to point out the unpleasant obvious? Foolishness, lack of education and haste are unproductive actions and excuses.

You are worth the time and effort it takes to make better choices and decisions. Time and effort pays off in the short and long run. Set yourself up to win!

In The State of Greatness,Remain Humble

Believing in and enjoying each other’s traits are crucial emotions for success in our occupations and leisure of life. Love and forgiveness are imperative sentiments for successful relationships. Faith and hope are central passions to a holy connection to your spiritual life and to God. God creates only the best! In your state of greatness remain humble.

I'm Not Perfect, But I'm the Best

Believing in yourself and enjoying even the days when you’re not perfect are crucial emotions for success in your occupation, health and fitness goals and leisure of life. Love and forgiveness are imperative sentiments for successful relationships, goals & desires. Faith and hope are central passions to a holy connection to your spiritual life and to God. God creates only the best! In your state of greatness remain humble.

Giving 110%

Embrace change, use your gifts, have patience in the face of disappointment and hope when all seems dismal. Giving 110% today is life altering. Start living your best life!

Friday, May 6, 2011

In times of despair, in the midst of doubtful events and heartbreaking disappointments having a hopeful heart and a faith-filled outlook will deepen your trust in God and will keep your heart open to expecting His merciful hand to show up when the world can’t save you.
It’s easy to have hope in our hearts when things are going our way.  But when the world rains on our parade, when the road gets bumpy, and when our plans seem to fall apart have confidence that the Lord knows what you need, when you need it, and how much to give. 
Celebrate when the world can’t save you.  That’s when God shines the best!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Smile, Smile, Smile

Smile, Smile, Smile
A smile is contagious, hard to ignore, difficult to oppose, and a wonderful gift that gives on and on. 
Your smile will not only brighten another’s day but will radiate the love you’re made of!  And when the road gets bumpy, just smile, smile, smile!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Let's Get This Morning Bumping!

Let's Get This Morning Bumping!

Wake up sleepy heads, its time to . . . . EXERCISE!  Starting your day with exercise sets the tone for an energetic and bright day!  Spend two minutes listening and moving to music before you sit in your car for your drive to work or school.  Take a brisk walk during a break!  Walk down the hall with a lively song in your heart and add bounce to your step.  Come on people take advantage of those fitness club memberships you are paying for and bust out those resistance bands that are collecting dust in the closet!  Every little bit helps to drive away the morning blahs.  Let’s get this morning bumping!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fresh New Outlook

Change In Your Life

Spring!  Pretty flowers!  Clean out closets!  Longer days!  Exercise!  It’s time to get pumped up!  A brisk walk and a strength training workout will energize you!  Wear bright colors to wake up your sleepy winter mood!  Eat more veggies and fruit and perk up your metabolism!  Read an inspirational article or book to motivate and lift you spirits. 

A small change in your life today will make a difference in your tomorrow.  The view won’t change if you don’t! 

Agggh - look at you!  Your fresh new outlook is already changing the landscape!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Give "Change" A Chance

Give "Change" a Chance

When faced with anything new the “fear of the unknown” sets in. The challenge of a new job, the honor of new parenthood or guardianship, or the excitement over a new exercise & weight management program may give you butterflies. Each time you take that wonderful step toward change you will become more comfortable. Give “change” a chance! Take life by horns and enjoy the r-i-d-e.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


When we ourselves become more compassionate, understanding and forgiving the faults of others are less heightened and magnified.  Grow into your best self and see how others develop and mature because of your influence. Change starts with you!

What If . . .

What if . . .
What if . . . you could dance for an hour and still have energy to spare?  What if . . . your metabolism suddenly woke up and started burning sleeping fat calories.  What if . . . you now fit into your skinny jeans?  Get it all started with Curves Smart Strength Training & Z-u-m-b-a!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Stretching Is Like Dessert To The Body

Stretching Is Like Dessert To The Body

“Stretching is like dessert to the body! Enjoy each delectable moment.” Our bodies may be tweaked from yesterday's work, or twisted from this morning’s throng of events, but after time spent pampering and elongating our muscles and ligaments - - our bodies then can enjoy one of its most precious moments: In a blissful state on cloud nine hovering right under heaven!